Wednesday, September 29, 2010


There i was in the bathroom looking in the mirror at the rat's nest we call my hair!  I looked like and 80's rocker!!!  I texted this picture to Gina Jill and told her i felt like an 80's rocker...she said i looked like one too.  let me tell ya that was inspiring....let's not explore the fact that i look like i'm 40 in this picture okay...the hair was depressing enough.
So what do i do?  I go and look for pictures online because this was just unacceptable!  i knew i wanted to go shorter, but i like to try different things everytime so i was looking for inspiration, that's when i came upon this:

so cute right!?!  so it was decided.  armed with these pictures and my head full of hair i went to see Lisa who, as always, entertains me as she cuts my hair.  They have a new shampoo shampoo i've EVER had!  It was amazing!!!  I think i'll go back there just for that reason!  but i digress...sho Lisa starts hacking and what happens?  Well in the end i have a Christina Applegate (who i don't even really like) inspired haircut that is SO much better than the previous 80's it is........

I'll try and get a better shot but that's what we've got for now...and let's be honest, we're lucky rachael even wore mascara that day!  

So..........whatcha think? 


Claudia said...

i love it! it looks so cute!!!! i think you're like me in the sense that short hair suits you. and isn't it just so much easier to manage?

Melissa Smith said...

It's hot. I really like it!!

Tennessee Sigmans said...

I love it!!

Rach said...

Thanks guys! Yes Clauds it is much easier to manage!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a new reader:) I love your haircut! It's so cute!

Unknown said...

Too Cute!! I lub it!! And I love your Hickley quote! I used to have that on my blog before I went underground and boring. Your blog looks fabulous!

Brett and Nikki said...

Rach! SO darling!! I absolutely love it! Thanks for the message on my blog the other week... whatever you want to do, we would LOVE to have! If it's too much trouble to make a big one, go with a small one :) You are such a sweetie for doing this!! Love ya!

Gina Jill said...

You are my favorite! It looks so much better!